“Often, the only way to improve our lives is to force ourselves to undergo difficult changes.” – Anon
“Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.” – John Wooden
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” – Albert Einstein
My thoughts lingered from the last entry regarding thought and change. Every generation has something unique from the previous generation. How many generations have dealt with the current social media? Technology has now been with us nearly 50 years (at least with the general public.) I remember the amazement when telephones were available in cars. They came in a packet that looked like the old metal lunch boxes. Then the mobile phones that needed an arm weight routine to be able to hold them because they were so big. The antennae sprouted up at least 6 inches and sometimes more. There was never any thought of doing anything but talking on those phones. Wow! Going down memory lane!
Let me get back to topic. The many options available through technology today have a major impact on all lives. The impact comes in many forms. This entry will focus on our self-talk. Do you get positive feedback on a regular basis through your social media involvement? Does your social media involvement alleviate your worries, your fears? Does your social media contact help your individual self-talk support your soul? Give you joy?
The point I am making continues the discussion of changing behavior to change thought. Sure, there are positive entries in social media. What I am referring to is action taken by you to change any behavior you want, or wish was out of your life. Setting goals of who we want to be and what we hope to do doesn’t happen without our action. When we move, we feel good, and we self-talk how good it feels and how proud we are of ourselves.
I am not saying to not be involved in social media. Just make a plan of moderation and stick to it. There are other activities in this gorgeous, God-made world to enjoy. Just look for them, recognize them, and partake. You will find your moments of joy!