“Any training that does not include the emotions, mind and body is incomplete; knowledge fades without feeling.” – Anonymous
My brain continues to drink the nutrition information from my courses. Sometimes I feel a bit water-logged, but, for the most part, I am learning so many new things. Who knew at 72?!? Another joy to celebrate! Some information from Holistic training regarding daily food intake are:
“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” —Michael Pollan
Avoid processed food. The food comes in a packet and has unpronounceable ingredients.
Stay away from refined carbohydrates like white flour and white sugar.
Eat organic as much as possible. We know in our area these are not easily obtainable unless we grow them ourselves or know someone who does.
Limit meat products.
Eat slowly; sit down when eating; chew the food well. The body does not benefit unless your food is digestible and can be absorbed.
Pay attention to your body and how it enjoys the different foods you eat.
A movie called “Forks and Knives” is a prominent movie in the nutrition world. www.forksandknives.com
A positive outcome of eating mostly plants is the amount of good, nutritious foods you can have every day. Eat a lot! Try for at least 8 portions a day. Remember, though, fruits have more sugar than vegetables. Drink water either tap filtered or bottled water (not in plastic). Eat whole grains like brown rice, barley, quinoa, etc. And eat small amounts of nuts and seeds. They have tremendous benefits but also high in calories. I have found adding a few nuts and or seeds to salads or a vegetable I am preparing works well.
Relax—-look for the joy in your day. There is always some there!
Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life.
In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence:
The bliss of growth;
The glory of action;
The splendor of achievement;
For yesterday is but a dream;
And tomorrow is only a vision;
But today, well lived, make every yesterday
A dream of happiness, And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day!