

 Holistic Approach to Health and Healing

The idea of body-mind-spirit healing sounds positive. But what does it mean? I have always liked the idea of looking at healing as a comprehensive process. Even though our world tries to treat each component separately, our body-mind-spirit gets involved. Holistic approaches to health believe a Vital Source energizes all life. The East Indian medicine system, Ayurveda has the word “swasta” which means “to be established in yourself”. I believe this translates to a positive self-concept, one in which we feel respect for who we are in body-mind-spirit. It is not that easy to get to this place. It takes personal awareness and a willingness to work every day on change and growth in ourselves. Understanding our behavior and motives for that behavior is intense work. Being truthful to ourselves, learning to be real and honest with ourselves is ongoing but provides unmeasurable joy.

My experience through counseling has highlighted the need to focus on self-awareness and self-acceptance. Along with this acceptance, it is also crucial to accept others where they are, to become aware of the nature around us and to recognize the Divine energy fueling us.

Looking for happiness and well-being means nurturing positive actions and habits and avoiding habits that drag away our joy. If you remember the old parable of feeding the good wolf: It is said that there are two wolves inside of us, always fighting each other. One, the good wolf, holds the energy of kindness, love, bravery, integrity, and honesty. The other is a bad wolf—full of greed, hatred, envy, fear, vengeance, and destructive anger. The question is, who wins the fight? The answer—it is the one we feed.

We know our basic needs include clean water, nutritional food, clean air and a balance of exercise/movement. What we would like to have is work that means something to us and play that is joyful! We want relationships that feed us, are close both individually and in our community. Our spirits crave a connectedness that fulfills. We also want access to help when we are hurting in body, mind, or spirit.

A healthy body is on alert when something provides stress. This is how we know something isn’t working. It gives us a warning. If we aren’t healthy to begin with, then it is more difficult to determine when additional threats invade. One of the most crucial and beneficial things you can do for yourself is to drink lots of water. Eight glasses of fluids a day are what you will hear from most sources. I recently read there is a difference in life span for those drinking at least five glasses per day. Got me to pick up my glass!!

This is the beginning of sharing so much positive information to help in your daily journey of caring for yourself. I have been on this journey for many years. Still have much to learn. I recently studied and earned a certificate as a Holistic Nutrition Consultant. I am delighted to be able to share. It gives me JOY!