Emotional Wellness

Emotional Wellness

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes.   Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow.  Let reality be reality.  Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. – Lao Tzu “Everything comes to pass, nothing comes to stay.”  –...
Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga

I think most everyone has heard of ‘Restorative Yoga’.  Restorative yoga is a practice of conscious relaxation.  (Heard that in meditation, huh?)  This time you get to use props at every move for every muscle in very relaxed, gentle positions.  The main pose is called...
Mindset Change

Mindset Change

“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.” – John Quincy Adams “Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.” –...
Holistic Approach: Part Three

Holistic Approach: Part Three

“Any training that does not include the emotions, mind and body is incomplete; knowledge fades without feeling.” – Anonymous My brain continues to drink the nutrition information from my courses. Sometimes I feel a bit water-logged, but, for the most part, I am...
Meditation: Part Two

Meditation: Part Two

Yes, I know it has taken me awhile to post #2 on Meditation.  Now, I am so excited to share a new concept of Meditation (at least for me) in this blog!  I am rekindling my love of body movement through my yoga practice.  Not a certified trainer, yet, but have been in...